Batch:10th Batch, Jan 2011
Director:Diwas Rajkhowa
Producer:Nayeem Tomar
Writer:Diwas Rajkhowa
Music:Anurag Saikia , Rahul Devnath
Actor:Partha Saikia, Nishant Singh
Supporting Actor:Kapil Bora, Rupa, Nirud Baruah, Gautam Phukon, Uddipta Gogoi, Surajit Gogoi. Dhurba Khargariah, Nilim Chetia, Utpal Khanikar, Devojit Mohan, Bibuti Phukon, Moon Pollash Phukon
Director of Photography (Cinematographer):Emraan Sameer
Editor:Tejeshwar Dhillon
Sound Designer:Abhishruti Bezbaruah
Art Director:Diwas Rajkhowa
Production Company:WWIL
Duration:10 mins
Year of Release:2013
Synopsis:Bijoy is a 19-year old adolescent who shares his mobile phone SIM card with his friend Sunil. Together, as they enjoy the festivities of Bihu, Bijoy reminds Sunil for his SIM Card who has shared the same with his extremist friends. Meanwhile, in a shoot-out with the extremists, the police discover the SIM card. The police trace the card back to Bijoy. Bijoy panics and ends up becoming a runaway. Set in the socio-political climate of Assam, MUKHA (The Mask) is a tragic tale of pain and agony that deals with the miseries of Assamese youth and their plunge into extremism, albeit unwittingly.