Batch:9th Batch July, 2010
Director:Jagdish Anand
Producer:Anuradha Bhatia
Writer:Jagdish Anand
Music:Advait Nemlekar
Actor:Sadik Zakir Shaikh, Karan vijay Rajput
Supporting Actor:Karamveer Chaudhary
Director of Photography (Cinematographer):Anubhav Bansal
Sound Designer:Shantanu Trivedi
Light Designer:Ravi Zha, Ravi Marwadi, Gopi, Mestry, Nisar Bhai
Screenplay:Aarsh Vora
Production Company:WWIL
Duration:12 mins
Year of Release:2012
Synopsis:In the city of Mumbai where everyone has that one dream they are looking to fulfil, a small boy yearns to play a video game once in his life. When his dream is within his grasp, the harsh jolt of reality pushes him away. Though disappointed, the little protagonist sees a video game in the everyday. As he cruises along, playing his game, he can’t afford to lose.